Is It Really Fate?
Let me start my long post wif my trip to Johor for a friendly rugby match against UTM (University Technological of Malaysia). My holidays is all about the trip where i set off on tuesday and retun on thursday. The trip worth the trip cause as a team we are taught a valuable lesson. To be a Team and Bond as a team. We are still far away from what we are capable of. I am certainly honoured and delighted to be featured in both match. Although we lost both matches, we left there wif our heads held high and lessons learnt. I am proud to be a part of the team. SP ruggers, everyone of u did urself proud. Gd job!!
Well it tot to return home wud be a better experience, but i was wrong. Depression sinks in. The same depression i left wif. Dis is for my special fren:
I cant stop thinking of u and i care about u a lot. Believe me a lot. The closeness tt we build have lead me to dis. I wasnt myself when the one wk tt i never get to see u or even hear frm u.Wat my heart says is tt i miss u a lot. I juz cant expressed these to words. But i know dis is a one way thing and i do not know ur feelings towards me. I guess u have no feelings twds me. The waves of life swept me into wilderness and now i m lost. I am totally lost. I tot i found someone whu can lead me but she is still uncertain. I guess it will be better if i drown.
( I am writng these wif Tonghua song playing in my comp. Ironic? I know u hate dis song and indirectly dis make me think of u.)
I think u know who u are......... =/

Sp Ruggers Fiercer Than Ever