What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Juz woke up frm a 10 hour sleep. Yes, 10 hr sleep. I slept at 2 am dis morning and woke up at 12noon. All the insufficient sleeping hrs thru out the week is being accumulate and spent on dis 10 hr sleep. HaHa...

Y'day had maths mst test. I hope to do well in the test. I'll b very sad if i flop in tt test. Expectations were high. After test, i slack wif Madz, Aaron and Shahrul at Coffee Bean Holland V. Wat is very wierd is tt we actualli sat the same place where my first visit to Holland V. Tt time, i slacked wif Nerd, Ade and Pam, and tt came after exam which was few mnths ago. As always we talked about life tt have passed us by.

Well, so far life have its ups and down. A boring life tt is blessedly spice up by my wonderful frens and family and activities. Rugby and Cars have been a major part of my life now. If i were to pursue in rugby i hope to achieve greater heights. I am hoping to recover my fitness again. Its been a long time since i have to be physically fit. Tts a gd sign. =)


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