What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Free Time

About Myself

My Name: Muhammad Shahrin aka sha_phat or rain
Hobbies: Rugby, writing poems and chill out with friends
Schools: MJ, MSS, ITE TP and SP
Work: Singapore Cable Car station assistant
Horoscope: Aquarius
Hair Colour: Brownish brown
Skin Colour: Dark brown
Status: Single
Last 5 digits of my mobile: 84259
Your birthday: 7 Feb

Have You...

Tried smoking: Yes
Drink Alcohol: A Big NOOOOO..... NEVER!!!!
Been hurt emotionally: Yes, sometimes..
Kept a secret from anyone: Yup..
Been on stage: Yes... those were the priamary school days...


Colour: Red, Green and Black
Food: Nasi sambal goreng & Kway tiao goreng
Number: 17
Cartoon: Hmm transformers maybe....
Song: A lot... i have a huge collection
Movie: School of Rock & Big hit

Right now

Wearing: Parma jersey and Canter shorts
Hairstyle: Mohawk with a tail
Looking at: MSN in my com
Thinking of: That somebody who is sick...
Listening to: Jason Mraz's Life is wonderful

Do you believe in

Love: Maybe...
Faith: Very much so...
Yourself: Hmm.. i will hesitate to answer but sometimes...
Angels : Yess...
Ghosts: I think so...

In the last 24 hours

Wore jeans: Yes... to bay beats
Clean ur room: Nope... its still not messy yet
Cried: No... if so oso it will be happy tears bcoz got to hang wif the lamers... woohoo...
Met someone new: My friend's friend
Last person i talked to on the phone: Ahmad, asking what bus number goes to Woodlands

Love life

Have a secret admirer: Not that i know of
Do you wanna get married: Of course!
How old you wanna be when u wanna have kids: 28-30
How many kids do you want: 2 or 3
Do you have a crush: A paiseh yes...
What do you want most in relationship: Understanding and love

In Random

Favorite local footballer: The legend, Fandi Ahmad
3 ppl you run to when u have problems: Ass, Nerd & Matreps
3 things you do when you are stressed: Smoke, Go out & Draw
3 prominet qualities of myself: Humorous, Lame & Friendly
What would you do if you have a million dollars: Start a family and business
Are you jealous or insecure freak: Jealous but i m insecure sometimes but definately not a freak
Favourite secondary school teacher: Mrs Nancy Ong
People you like to se doing this: Adeline, Priscilla, Bernard, Zie, Shaiful and whoever who blog..


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