What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Saturday, June 10, 2006


Have been out chilling with wonderful friends lately. Most of the time were spent at McCafe Lido. But the most significant time was spent wif my besties, Pris. Yah... Pris.... Its been ages since her name is mentioned in this blog because we seldom interact for the past few months. But lately we were back interacting with each other again. That feeling is just unbelievable.

That particular day was tuesday, 060606, yah i know even the date was significant. Both of us chilled at McCafe. Then we windowed shopping around ochard. She bought two items ; a shawl and a pair of slippers. During our journey, we were approached by a china women who happen to be a surveyor. This is our ordeal:

Surveyor : Hello.... Are you 2 Singaporeans or foreigner?
Us : We are Singaporeans (proudly)
Surveyor : Oh ok... Are both of you married?
Us :???? Huh?? (we look at each other, giggled and walked away)

That incident won't be forgotten for sure. Well, simply, i had fun going out with her. It fills with a lot of laughter and fun. You made my day that day and u made me forget my depression. Thanks best friend. Till we go out together again. Here are some pics that she self-obssesedly took with my phone.


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