What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Thursday, May 19, 2005


Recent Activities
  • Had 4 days of off from Mon-Thurs
  • Resume work tml, Fri .
  • Mon join the guys for volleyball training coz nothing to do.
  • Starting to enjoy volleyball each time nowadays.
  • Went Satay Club at Sembawang shppng cntr for dinner after training.
  • Went Punggol for sightseeing & met the lamest guy of all.
  • Wed went to ICA building to change my IC. (funny incident... hahaha)
  • After tt went to HG green to disturb Edith.
  • Slack at kopitiam till 11pm.
  • Went to Edtih house for scrabble session till 2am.
  • Today went to send my grandpaps for checkup at SGH.
  • Slept awhile coz the waiting number was very slow. (*sigh)
  • Maybe going skool to play volleyball after werk tml.
  • Sun got Big Walk & Mon going to buy steamboat stuffs.
  • Wed having steamboat at my house. (*yummy)
  • Cant wait for skool reopen, i am missing somebody hahah..... =)

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My 89 yrs young grandpaps

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Bored Waiting


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