What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Fricking Tired....!!!!

Sore Loser = Navy
  • Played 2 matches of rugby y'day. First against Navy and second against Safsa. I played 2nd half in the Navy game and played 1st 15 mins in Safsa match. During Safsa match i was struggling and ask for replacement.
  • Nxt week maybe against SRC. Another daunting task. We beat the odds by beating Navy and we are in confident mood. I shall improve on my gaining teritory and my scrum position. The scrum left me wif a swollen back neck. DAMN!!!
  • I never get to celebrate Dad's day today. We had family gathering in memory of my late auntie. Although my dad can be sarcastic at times but i know his style oredi. His sarcasm is meant to prove tt he is wrong and to motivate me even further. I know his intention and i love him very much. To all my frens' dad : Happy Father's Day......
  • I shall prepare my gear for tml. there will b another dreadful trg tml. I will b prepared, mentally at least. Go SP Rugby team!!!! And not forgetting, Go SP Volleyball team!!!! =)


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