What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Totally lost but not lost......

What now?.....

  • Werking today. Came late again for half an hour. Drank Redbull in the morning as usual to keep me awake. Not much ppl today. But still frickin tired coz i am station at grounfloor. So, must stand whole day.
  • There's stoppage juz now to change a shaft propeller. It sounded noisy thats y. The whole maintenance team came. Even the maintenance manager Mr Tang. It make me awake the whole time. I was thinking of how much money the company lose by stopping for awhile. The team finish their job in less than half an hour. They are pro man. Pictures are taken and shown below. Yah, i nothing to do. Be photo journalist lor.
  • Well, i felt difficult to ignore my feelings. I try not to think about u but i am always defeated. To shirk the feelings off is almost impossible.It will take time. Long time in fact. I still have feelings for u. I feel very wierd. I am missing u oredi. Humph. I am sorry. I hope u understand.

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Ang moh gurls waiting to be ushered

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Busy changing

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Maintenance team during werk

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Manager, Mr Tang, watching the team


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