What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Flying in the morning

Changi = Scary fun
  • Juz kinda woke up from a 7hr of sleep.... Yah i started sleeping around 9am.... Went to changi last nite....
  • We had supper at about 1am.... Had nasi lemak.... *yummy*.... And our objective going there is to browse for bapok(transvestite).... They were dress skimpily parading their goods.... some actually are good looking... but some make me puke.... Argh!....
  • After tt we decide to go changi beach and comb around... I tot watching bapok is enough to irritates me but i saw a horrible scene that disturbs me very much.... Its a heated argument between a young malay couple tt leads to violence....
  • It lead to dis jerk guy beating up the gurl who was screaming loud, asking him to hand her ic back..... the beating was horrible.... i saw the first punch and i looked away..... i dun have the heart to continue watching.... but edtih and zhi wei they all watch the whole scene..... We decide to walk away....
  • The gurl was made like an animal sia.....push to ground, punched, kicked..... i was shaking my head the moment i think of the incident... the guy doesnt deserve to live... After tt i am suddenly surrounded by them asking me wat they say.... coz i m the onli one understand the language...
  • Hmm.... i m thinking about u very much... sometimes staring at blank air... i juz wanna tell u tt my feelings twds u is stronger and i miss u a lot..... =/
  • oh yah i found this interesting pic of mine..... back when i am fit.... nice?

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My cousz, East & Me (different hor)


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