What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Results in 2 days time

Enjoying Myself
  • These few days have been eventful for me.... Holiday has turn out better than expected so far... i remember that one past post i expect the holidays to b boring.... but so far so gd....
  • Sunday went out wif my cousz, East and my fren Hidayat wif his gf.... First we went to Funan where my cousz bought computer..... power sia..... ppl werking mah.... me still struggling wif my account.... hehehe.... After tt we went to Lido to catch a movie, XXX 2, it was like i miss the whole show sia... coz the next moment i found myself slpng.... sux...! Then we go airport for our dinner... We ate Fish and Co. *Yummy*.... The food there is delicious......
  • Monday as usual werk..... Came super late..... but my supervisor is very understanding... Taking advantage sia...... After werk i was joined by Nerd, Ade Zhiwei and Pris.... We had dinner first b4 proceeding to Sentosa for the musical fountain.... We took the cable car... hahaha...... I think we are the noisiest sia, wif our screamings..... We catch the 8:40 show.. The show was quite lame though, maybe to lame to handle.... We slack at BK till arnd 11plus then walk out of Sentosa.... Me, Ade and Zhiwei catch the last train while Nerd ride home and Pris father pick her up.....
  • To tell u the truth, i was feeling bad for not accompanying Pris home coz i ask her out.... and it was very troublesome for her father to pick her up all the way up to Harborfrnt..... Summore it was very late oredi.... :(
  • I was struggling to stay awake while werking today.... my saviour dis morning was a tin of Red Bull..... After werk had trng wif the sentosa guys... i played reasonably well.....


Image hosted by Photobucket.com East, Dayat & Dayat's Gf

Image hosted by Photobucket.com New Recycle Bin in town (red color)

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Cable Car Ride

Image hosted by Photobucket.com Best Fren Pic (both look retards hor...)


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