What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


A Good Overnite Experience
The nite started when me and Hanchong went to YCK sports hall to see Bernard play his volleyball match... We have earlier decided to go supperat Jln Kayu after tt wif Pam, Ade & Edith.... We met up at YCK mrt at about 11pm.... The whole group was eventually 10 ppl.... *power* I can see everyone were actually starving when we reach there..... We are among the noisiest among the patrons there.... But it was fun exchanging LAME jokes...... We also chit chat along the way...... Then most of them decided to gather at Ah ping's house to overnite.... Edith along wif 3 other guys played mahjong and left me, Pam, Nerd, Ade, Hanchong and Zhiwei pondering of the possible games to play.... We played "Heart Attack Level"..... It is a fun game to play but i must admit i sux at dis game..... Y alah laugh all u can i level 6 mah....... Nerd u dont laugh, u oso.... Laughter+Noise was created..... We all laughed until our stomach cramp sia... After tt we watch vcd, "Kung Pow"....... The show was lame and was making us sleepy sia... Then we played Indian chief wif a deck wif cards.... the loser which wif the smallest card forfeits. The forfeit is to drinking a huge mug of water..... We played 10 rounds and i only drank once.... After the drinking game we played heart attack again..... Yah i lost..... Laugh summore?..... Time flies when we are having fun.... by then it was 6:45am........ Oh yah shites! I am werking tt morning.... i quickly rush home.... Luckily i came home before my mom wokes up..... So she doesnt know anything...... She told me not to go back late tt nite.... So i thnk i m safe coz i went home frickin early hehehe.......... I took a bath and prepare for werk.........
I was like Zombie dis morning going work sia..... *Blur*..... But i think i am fresh as ever.... Luckily i was station at Sentosa, "chuo bo lan"....... I was frickin early for werk sia..... i m proud of my self sia....... Like real!? Must be prepared for werk dis mnth oredi........ find pocket money.... kinda dried up lately....hehehe


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