What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Mum's day 070505

I had to Spit it out

  • Well i dun think i am very familiar wif dis situation before but i feel very relieve to let it all out and i have no regrets...... At least i know where i stand.... Actually i dun want to reveal but to let my feelings out is the rite thing to do.... i dun want it to be trapped foreva....
  • I guess the outcome is gd.... i personally think tt being best fren is the best and only way.... Well now i know tt she is my first crush maybe bcoz i m not exposed to the opposite gender, until i enter poly..... But i can tell tt i am not tt shy having conversation towards gals nowadays, thnx to her.... I even had problems talking to my female cousz last time..... i m very fortunate to have u in my life.... THNX BEST FREN..... =)
  • Well my sem exam results is a disaster.... i failed to maintain my grades and failed to guide Pris to pass all her subj..... tt sums up a dreadful semester huh?! i promise to bounce back in the next coming yr and vow to help Pris in her study rite frm the start.... Skool here i come !!
  • Holiday which was once tot boring was alive and kicking actually.... Dis coming fri nite we are going for our 2nd nite cycling outing..... More events are sure to be arranged..... And yahor........ Nerd come join the Hougang Gang hahaha..... AMK is near.... hahaha


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