What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Saturday, August 19, 2006

3rd Watch

Mood: Still sick & Silent
Song: Wish you were here by Pink Floyd

Finished my second paper last friday. Before exams are nearing Thermodynamics is a total stranger, but last few days Thermo is very close to me. Now i want Statistics to be as close. The paper was equally horrendous. At times during the paper, i froze and stare at blank air. I will be very happy if i get at least a C+. My flu worsens. Cough become a undesired hobby. And cough syrup is the undesired meal served. Not that i dont like cough syrup, but its quite irritating when u have a sore throat. By this tues i am hoping to be really relieve... Come tues all hel will break loose.... Tuesday, feed me!!!

Exams Update:
So far no good. A very gloomy start but atleast its progressing and it is coming to an end.


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