What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Vent My Frust..........

After a good day comes a point where the world is against u........ Bcoz of a minor thing they all make such a fuss....... WTF*....... Its all bcoz of the stupid f*ing car key........ End up to be at their room...... Wah f* up sia .......... I was panting out of fury yeszterday nite sia...... treated like a dog....... Full hard heavy breathing........ Whoa!! So fired up !!!!! Lucky i know who i can turn to...... i msg my best fren...... Things dip a little but i still on fire sia......... Now i feel that my parents are against me........ Wah f* up sia........ I can be paranoid sometimes.... Dunno lah... WTH*......... Life sux.........!!!!!!! Quarrel fun meh!!!!.........

Mind my language.... i feel i had to do dis to let it all out......... *huge sigh*........ definitely not a sigh of relief though............


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