What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lu Lian

Mood: Tired & Happy
Song: Losing my religion by REM

No more exams for me in my poly life. Will be enjoying that stage for the next 4 months or so. Had kinda celebration after my last paper last friday. Had Seoul Garden with my classmates inclusive of Jasmine and Pris. After dinner we went seperate ways. Me and Jas went to meet up Nerd, Yang, Madz and Rul. We walked from Fullerton to Lau Pa Sat. They had satay there but i didnt touch them at all coz i am freaking full. Diana and Meijie join us at Lau Pa Sat. Both of them were all dress up and very nicely dressed. They intend to go clubbing. After Lau Pa Sat, Diana and Meijie went Boat Quay and the rest of us went to Esplanade to chill. Below are some pics that we took.


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