What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Sunday, March 05, 2006



A long post. A day well spent yesterday. Went Sentosa for a dip with close wonderful friends. Among those who tag along are Nerd, Ahmad, Ade, Zhi wei and Ass. We were joined by Ahmad & Nerd's zoo colleagues. It is a day of freedom as we caress the waters of Pahlawan beach. The weather was okay. I simply had fun. Its been awhile. The feeling is beyond description. It is much more meaninful as Monday shall be the day i embark a new journey in Attachment (ITP). Place : Jurong Town. A precinct i used to live in 17 years ago. Yes, its far but if it is for my own good, i have nothing to complain about. Juz bring it!! I am sure it will be fun.

Last but not least, after a day spent in Sentosa, me, Nerd and Aaron head to Changi Aiport to send Zie, Audrey, Nat & Cheryl off. They are heading to Melbourne, Australia for attachment. I wish them all the best for their ITP and hope they have fun. The main reason i am there is beacause of somebody and its Zie. I don't know whether she will be viewing and reading this but i just want to tell her that i am missing her already. I hope she likes the gift. As time goes by, my interest towards her thickens. Cant stop thinking of her. All my prayers directed to her. I hope to spend more time knowing her. I may not be the best but i hope my efforts are accounted. I believe she's the one. I am missing you. 6 weeks accounting. =)

After sending them off, me and Nerd met up with Ade and Zhi wei to have dinner. We had Fish & Co. at T2 Changi airport. Yummy!!! We are served by cute, friendly and good-service waitress named Cherillyn.

Not sand-castle but sand-"Zhiwei"

Beach Soccer

Strong? Nah... He is super light

Thats Adeline... Free Cable Car Return...

Seafood Platter.... WOW!!!

I had Blackpepper Stingray... Yummy...

Almost Done

The girl whom always made me smile... Miss You....


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