What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Finally... Well, the last few weeks have spelt hell for me from the ever so bustling life in Poly. Projects after projects need to meet dateline. Blow after blow of study for exam preparation. Problems after problems internally and externally in my life. I tell you they came piling at me one by one accumulated like a mountain. But now that mountain seems like a little hump.

Exams over
Projects dateline met
Problem relatively solved

Slowly it will be streamed away. Sense of satisfaction and relieve upon finishing my exam. Lets juz hope that the result is as kind as the papers. A lot of happening for last few weeks that i have not blogged. Good times and bad times rolled in together. On top of all that, i had the time of my life yesterday. Accompanied Zie to do some visiting at the cemetery, chat with Pris, whom i miss so much, and that little little things i do that made me smile. I hope yesterday never end but it has just ended and that is why i am here blogging today. (Crap!!!!)


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