What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Hari Raya Feel

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I am blogging morning of Hari Raya which i feel i need to. I felt better than i felt yesterday nite. Dunno y. Above are pictures of my house and room tt has been totally changed. Nice rite? Here i want to let out my feelings tt i have hide for along time. I think i m falling for her and i doubt tt she know about it. Kept thinking of her and cant stop doing tt. I hope to know her well and with the closeness i hope i can make sumthing out of it. My confidence are in a low when talking or meeting her coz i still feel the nerves talking to her. Sumtimes how i iwish i cud b fluent and more confident. Asking her out seems impossible but yet w/o trying i wudnt know. I wudnt have met a nicer gerl. She certainly made me a better man. Y am i still trapped in dis shy personality of mine. Maybe i juz have to wait. Wait till she knows. But when she knows, confirm i will feel paiseh. but then again i hope she know about my feelings twds her. Juz cant stop thinking of u. =)


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