What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Festivity Close In

I lost the mood of updating my blog for past few weeks, not bcoz i have nothing to post but sometimes i feel tt it is not necessary. My feelings entangled in a mixed for past few wks tt has left. Feelings sumtimes drips over a brimful cup tt hasnt been touched. Well feeling are juz feelings and theres nothing i can do but cheering me up myself wud be my agenda of my very day life. Even if its not on my side. As i am writing dis blows after blows of nagging occupy my deafening ears telling me to clean up my space. I must admit my room isnt the desired place to be looked at. But i m certainly gonna do sumthing about dis. Not now tho, as i m gg to buy some clothes for myself. Will b meeting my cuz at Suntec in an hour time.

Yesterday was the first day of skool and it does not goes as i wanted. I m suppose to be happy to meet up all my frens tt i miss for amnth of holidays. Started out well wif my grp project will be selected for exhibition and we must do some fine tuning to the poster. Then followed by lunch which came the pissed moment. I had brought bubble gum which was asked to buy by Pris when i went johor. She doesnt want to accept it when i offered her and she remarked as " My boyfren say cannot accept anything frm guys". I was like ... come on lah its onli gum... I am lying if i say i wasnt hurt. But then again i have no right to judge. Eventually the gums are distributed to my other frens which they happily appreciated. Well its juz gums, theres no need to ponder upon dis. Haizz... Will be leaving soon. I m gonna have my Pony sneakers. Yesh!!! To all my frens wherever it may be Happy Deepavali.... Selamat Hari Raya.... And Happy Holidays......

Left wif feeling of Discontent & Solitude..... =(


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