What if the rainbow forbids us from playing its colours........

Monday, November 27, 2006


Personal Revelation
  • I feel uneasy making people around me dissapointed especially close friends and family and i get very disappointed on myself easily.
  • I am normally cheery and all smiles and it is quite obvious if something is wrong with me. Close friends of mine should know.
  • I feel very happy when people around me take time to talk to me, even a small chat will brighten up my day. I can talk about everything and if i feel uncomfortable about some issues i will voice out so don't worry.
  • I feel paranoid if people around me does'nt talk to me.


Blogger juan said...

hello best friend. haha. im always calling u "sha sha" or "rin rin" or "oh shahrin". so i suppose u will not get paranoid ard me rite? whahaha. cheer uppy!!!

10:17 AM


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